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For most individuals the natal chart represents their first contact with astrology, and the impression is generally a lasting one. Magic Space with it’s choice of different texts as well as long medium or short interpretations, detailed charts and tables and concise introduction, is the ideal way to begin a rewarding lifetime adventure with astrology. Well crafted, accurate interpretations and fully customisable page layouts also mean that every document you produce is a professional one. Whether your curious about your own horoscope, wish to produce charts and interpretations for friends and family, or plan to start an astrology business and sell reports to clients, Magic Space Software packages are an indispensable tool. All reports are fully editable.
Software with standard USA text
Io Series Prices (Shipping Europe £24 outside £27) All inclusive no added VAT
A Io Horoscope - produces personality profiles,1 USA text £165
B Io Forecast - produces future forecasts for any period 1 USA text £165
C Io Relationship - produces compatibility profiles 2 USA texts £165
D Integrated World Atlas £195
E International Atlas £125
F American Atlas £125
G Star*Fonts £85
H Calculation and Research £195
Io Series Interpretation-Pack A+B+C includes 3 USA texts £399
Io Series Value-Pack A+B+C+D+ G+H includes 3 USA texts £599
Io Series Pro pack D+G+H £399
UK add on texts @ each £95 for use with the above software
Magic Space - Macintosh Astrology Software
Introducing state of the art software for your Macintosh
A comprehensive package for production of professional horoscopes
Features include:-
•Option for GLYPHS (astrology symbols)to be included in report margin or excluded
•Fully editable texts
•Five different natal text options
•Three different transit text options
•Three different relationship text options
•Superior high speed calculation
•Print high resolution, postscript output
•Design report pages-optional length of reports
•Export text, also charts as PICT and paint images
•Integrated electronic World Atlas
•Enhance reports with Star*Fonts
•Over a 1,000 personalities birth data with Famous Charts
•An personal license to sell printed reports from a single computer
•Create multiple files holding up to 960 chart names each
•Easy file transfer between chart name files
•Add personal notes and comments to individual reports
•Speed data entry and other keyboard shortcuts
•Calculations from 102 AD to 2047 AD
•Astrology Glyphs Desk Accessory
Editable Horoscope texts include:
A Personality report -i.e. Natal horoscope interpretations
SCOPE EDUCATIONAL - Educational Text - Edited Eric Biss
MAGIC SPACE HOROSCOPE - Profile with astrological headings - Written Tanya Obreza/edited Eric Biss
MAGIC SPACE SCOPE - Profile with no astrological references- Co-written Tanya Obreza/Eric Biss
Io HOROSCOPE - American Text- Written by Julia Lupton
B Forecast reports - Transits - forecast for any period CHOICE OF TEXTS
FUTURE FORECAST - with astrological headings - Written Tanya Obreza/edited Eric Biss
FORECAST SCOPE - without astrological headings - Written Tanya Obreza/edited Eric Biss
Io FORECAST - with astrological headings - Written Julia Lupton
Everybody is interested in their future - it’s human nature. Future Forecast is like a windows to the future. A good interpretation yields a forecast - highlighting the unique potentials for each individual - based upon the influences of the transiting planets on his or her natal chart. That Future Forecast does this better and more accurately than any other programme currently available is testimony to the accuracy of it’s internal equations and exacting validity of it’s carefully crafted interpretations.However it is only fair to warn you that you‘re likely to have to deal with family members , friends , and associates who will continually pester you to prepare their Future forecast.
Original texts by Tanya Obreza columnist for Company Magazine and by Julia Lupton columnist for Dell Horoscope Magazine.
C SEX FANTASY - Short report based on planet in sign
This easy to produce report is fun and entertaining for individuals as well as couples.
Written by Eric Biss.
D Relationship Report - for any two people CHOICE OF TEXTS
RELATIONSHIP SCOPE - Composite - How two people get on - written by John Townley/edited Eric Biss with no astrological references
Io RELATIONSHIP Composite - How two people get on - written by John Townley with astrological references
Are you, or perhaps someone you know, involved in a long term relationship? Friendship? Business partnership, or partnership of some kind. Relationship Scope will help take off the blinkers!
Knowing how you will get on with others on a day to day basis is the key to successful togetherness. This reports highlights the strengths and weaknesses of any personal interaction, allowing you to see clearly both the possibilities and the pitfalls.Original texts by John Townley author of Planets In love.
Io RELATIONSHIP - Synastry Report - How one person affects the other. A report with astrological references.
E WORLD ATLAS - integrated software
Error free
Time saving
American and International Atlas Modules - instant access to latitudes, longitudes, and date sensitive time zones for any city in the world
Uses ACS Publications atlas data
Listings for over a quarter of a million cities
Correct time zones for every location and date
Free atlas access utility - allows stand alone use of the Atlases